International price

How much is 1 kilo of coffee in Ethiopia?

The retail price range in Ethiopian Birr for coffee is between ETB 239.92 and ETB 330.55 per kilogram or between ETB 108.81 and ETB 149.91 per pound(lb) in Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa.


How much coffee does US import from Ethiopia?

The main destination of Coffee exports from Ethiopia are: Germany ($229M), Saudi Arabia ($208M), United States ($195M), Japan ($130M), and South Korea ($111M). The fastest growing export markets for Coffee of Ethiopia between 2021 and 2022 were United Arab Emirates ($48.9M), Saudi Arabia ($48.2M), and Japan ($47.5M).


How much money does Ethiopia get from coffee export?

$1.43 billion

Coffee exports brought Ethiopia $1.43 billion in revenue during the just-concluded Ethiopian fiscal year, the government has said. The country exported 298,500 tonnes of coffee during the 2023/24 fiscal year that ended on July 7, the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA) said in a statement on Tuesday.