Coffee and Tea Authority

Ethiopian Coffee & Tea Authority

noedSostpri5  45atMgtAht05uaua0a2gu62:t fm60uls0 19ggA1ftlii  · 

በ2017 በጀት ዓመት ሀምሌ ወር ከተላከው ቡና 180ሚሊየን 450ሺህ ዶላር ተገኘ!!

ይህ አፈጻጸም እስከዛሬ ድረስ በሀምሌ ወር ውስጥ ለውጭ ገበያ ቀርቦ ከተገኘ ገቢ ጋር ሲነጻጸር ሪከርድን የሰበረ መሆኑ ታውቋል!!

ነሀሴ 03/2016


አገራችን በ2017 በጀት ዓመት ሀምሌ ወር ከላከችው 40ሺህ 532 ቶን ቡና 180ሚሊየን 450ሺህ ዶላር በላይ ማግኘት ችላለች፡፡ ይህ አፈጻጸም ደግሞ እስከዛሬ ድረስ በአንድ ወር ውስጥ በሀምሌ ወራቶች ለውጭ ገበያ ቀርቦ ከተገኘ ገቢ ጋር ሲነጻጸር ሪከርድን የሰበረ ሊሆን ችሏል፡፡ ይህ አፈጻጸም ደግሞ ከታቀደው አንጻር ሲታይ በመጠን 132% በገቢ በኩል ደግሞ 110% ሲሆን ከአምናው ተመሳሳይ ወቅት ጋር ሲነጻጸር ደግሞ የ17ሺህ 758 ቶን (78%) እንዲሁም በገቢ የ54.29 ሚሊየን (43%) ጭማሪ የታየበት ሆኗል፡፡ ውጤቱ እጅግ አበረታች እና ለቀጣይ ጊዜ በዚህ መቀጠል ከተቻለ ከቡና የሚገኘው ገቢ አስደማሚ እና የአገሪቱን ኢኮኖሚ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ሊደግፍ የሚችል እንደሚሆን ክቡር ዋና ዳይሬክተሩ ዶ/ር አዱኛ ደበላ ገልጸዋል፡፡

Ethiopia’s Coffee Exports Reach USD 835 Million in Nine Months

Category: Import and Export

Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority reported strong coffee production and export figures for the first nine months of the 2016 fiscal year. Over 174,596 tons of coffee were exported, generating revenue of USD 835,230,000.

Deputy Director General, Mr. Shafi Umer, highlighted this as an improvement over previous years, crediting reforms aimed at boosting coffee income. While last year’s earnings surpassed USD 1.33 billion, the current target stands at USD 1.75 billion. However, challenges such as falling international coffee prices and port issues in the Red Sea threaten this goal.

Authorities are exploring alternative transportation routes to address port congestion and promoting specialty coffee exports to mitigate market fluctuations. Additionally, efforts are underway to diversify export destinations, targeting countries such as China, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, which are emerging as significant importers.

Streamlining the supply chain is another focus, with initiatives to connect producers directly with consumers and reforms to organize farmers for direct foreign market access. These measures aim to ensure product quality and further strengthen Ethiopia’s coffee industry.

Source: Addis Zemen (coffee and tea authority.)

Ethiopia Earned Record Revenues from Coffee Exports in 2023/24

Ethiopia earned a record $1.43 billion from coffee exports in the 2023/24 fiscal year, according to the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA). The country exported 298,500 tons of coffee, a 20% increase from the previous year’s 240,000 tons. According to the report, that 240,000 tons had generated $1.3 billion. In June alone, 46,000 ton of coffee were exported, bringing in $218 million, which is itself a record amount for monthly coffee exports. Ethiopia is one of the largest producers and exporters of coffee in Africa. It is the origin of Arabica coffee, a species of the fruit recognized globally for its quality and rich flavors. While the increase in coffee export is no doubt a positive thing, experts believe that the lack of value-addition in the sector is a significant challenge that will hamper the extraction of value from its rich coffee resources.
SOURCE: THE EAST AFRICAN (coffee and tea authority).

Which region is best for coffee in Ethiopia?

The Sidamo region (along with Harrar and Yirgacheffe) is one of three trademarked coffee regions in Ethiopia and is well known for having perfect climate conditions for coffee thanks to altitudes of between a 1,500 to 2,200 metres above sea level, ample rainfall, optimum temperature, and fertile soil.